It was translated into Finnish in 1977 in the Soviet Writers series, which also introduced to Finnish readers works by the Estonian writers Mats Traat, Lilli Promet, and Ülo Tuulik. In the book Meri combined the present with a ...
Milline peaks olema tuleviku tuulik? Eesti Tuuleenergia Assotsiatsioon kutsub osalema ideekonkursil. Ideede esitamise tähtaeg on 31. mai. Loe edasi ?. "K?ik ühte paati" disainikonkurss. T?nu Endrekson, Eesti S?udeliit ja Port Artur ...
ja seda kohviku pidajad lahkesti lubavad... 2.K?ikse m?tekam on ise ehitada btuulik/b sest siis saab btuuliku/b poolmuidu ja elektrit saab kah tasuta: ... Support for Eamonn and this election campaign is needed North and South so come along to the meeting in Wynns bhotel/b in Dublin. In his own words ?We are told that the credit crunch means we have to tighten our belts. But the bankers who brought on ...